Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pictures of Stella

I finally had a chance to download all the pictures we've taken in the last week.  Here are a few pics of Stella we'd like to share...

Mom and Dad's first look at baby Stella...

Dad helping the nurse clean her up...

 Proud papa...

 Sleepy lady...

Nana C takes a break from helping Amanda to hold little Stella...

 Dad showing off his little girl to Grampa Ken...

Bridgy and Taylor were in the neighborhood for Peggy's wedding so they stopped by to meet little Stella...

Once we came home Stella started staying awake a little longer and opening her eyes to check the place out...

 Stretching out after my first bath at home...

 Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Merle (Vickie's parents) came for a quick visit...

Phoggy came home after a week at doggy camp to meet Stella...

Stella's first trip out of the house...

 Relaxing at home...

 I like to be swaddled in a little papoose!!


  1. She is so cute!! Lots of kisses from Aunt Bridgy & Uncle Taylor... and Brodster is super anxious to meet her too!!!

  2. Thanks for sending me your blog address! I am really enjoying all the photos. Stella is such a little doll! God bless you both as you travel the exciting road of parenting! Love, Mike & Pam Lind
